Hoopla Doopla
Duration: 52 x 12'
Broadcaster: ABC (Australia) & CCTV (China)
Circus characters bring their unique skills to town
Hoopla Doopla Is a live-action pre-school show inspired by circus and physical comedy. It takes young viewers to a whimsical, magical world set in a bright colourful town, where a troupe of six extraordinary characters with amazing physical skills live, work and play. They are Mimi, a juggler who loves doing ten things at once – which is useful, since she runs the local café and also tries to run the whole town; shop owner and magician Ziggy; fun-loving trickster Jango, who’s a street sweeper and clown; Zap a delivery person and acrobat; Bop, a mechanic and strongman – who spends equal time mending and breaking things; and Squidgie, a contortionist and gardener.